Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mind is totally screwed....IT TOTALLY SUCKS TO BE ME

I donno man, it has just been a journey from one end to the other end of the world...hypothetically speaking..... I have been imagining a lot of stuffs which are too good or extremely bad to be true....I donno what i think, how some random wandering thoughts just fill my head all of a sudden and when it does enter the damn thing refuses to leave.....It totally drills my mind to the core and it eventually subsides after sometime when i have thought too much about it and still have no answer or the answer that i have is not convincing enough...but still it eventually subsides for a moment to just show that its so fucked up damn mind screwing that always leaves me wondering about the thoughts all over again....i wish i get the answers to possible questions in the future so that i don`t have to go through all of the torture all over again.....The inevitable feeling that i have at the end of it all......IT TOTALLY SUCKS TO BE ME


Pradeep Pandurangi said...

Buddy I'm surprised!! I have had such similar experiences( thoughts!!!) too and the end result is same...

@я(_)η™ ツ ║│█▐▌│ said...

SURPIRISED!!!!!!y is dat????? guess each n evry one of us hav their own share of thots that they fite wid :p