Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dazed, confused ,bemused....n what not

Sometimes when the things happening around start to make little sense to you as to why it is happening, that is when the mind which when doing nothing starts to think otherwise.Some thoughts should never enter the mind coz when they do it takes a hell lot of time for them to leave it.
How long does it take for a person to do things that he normally is not used to doing or has never done or never thought he will do.What i am referring to here is ---u never know to what level someone might take a few things in his stride unless actually pushed far so much that it becomes intolerable to actually take it any further.There have been a few things that has come to realisation for the past few weeks and it became much clearer over the last few days.U might expect a lot of things from friends around, being jolly,cheer full, mad,..everything that possibly makes it worth the while to spend time around them. The only thing that does not make the cut here, friends not living up to your expectations of trust n respect.People very seldom realise the value of these coz the fact of the matter is that with friends " EVERYTHING IS TAKEN FOR GRANTED"..more often than not, this does tend to be true and to a very large extent is very cool ,but even the sea`s around the world have limits which when crossed raise a tsunami effect.That is what will happen with the human mind n heart.It will take things to itself as long as long it does not cross the limits.Once crossed it shells out effects never felt just goes according a phrase that i came up some time ago.........Transcripts from a broken heart, tortured soul and a battered mind always tell a sad story n it is something that should be avoided in the making at all costs.

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