Monday, April 13, 2009

What if i were there....

Yesterday was a Sunday, n just like any other Sunday woke up without actually wanting to get up.After too many deliberations and much persuasion's from myself woke up with a pain on my lower back n hell like pain on my neck.It was one of those days when the feeling of having the pain actually was very satisfying coz of the way i got it...headbanging at UTSAV, my passion for the last 6 years n still continues to be great going.But, that i not what am writing this blog for.....
After waking up i did what i usually do early in the morning , read the newspaper, starting from the sports column..but this time something on the front page caught my attention...No it was not any gossip, or anything related to politics or sport, it was a tragic story of a guy from Chennai who had come to Bangalore for an adventurous event but ended up losing his life over that.May his soul rest in peace.
Another reason why it caught my attention was the fact that i actually wanted to go there to do the bungee jump,fortunately/unfortunately my college fest was also held at the same time so i did not go to that event.I guess it just was not my time.But, reading this in the papers just intrigues me...WHAT IF I WERE THERE...i mean really, the thought is kind of freaky but yet, what if i were there.I could either be one of the mute spectators of the incident or actually have been the victim of the rather unfortunate incident. This thought just in itself provoked a lot of thoughts in itself....
what if i were the one in there,
what if i were the one on the other end of the rope,
what if it were my legs hanging by those ropes,
what if i were the one who had the fall,
what if i were the one who had died in there....WHAT IF, WHAT IF....
it was just a thought but a thought which did come though....i guess there is still time for me, it was just like one of those incidents where death just whizzed past by me and i was still standing there, lucky, fortunate to live today to die another day....LIFE ROCKS :)

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