Friday, March 27, 2009


I have no idea y i did that...still doin it tho, jus cannot put a finger on it to reason as to why i did it. I just deleted whatever was left of my profile on orkut that had painstakingly written.I usually put in a lot of effort to make my profile look very nice. I have been appreciated many times in the past for doing so too.Something in me jus did not feel right n i jus went away deleting whatever was left of it.Deleted a lot of communities that i had joined too, it has been reduced to almost half now, with only a few left.I din delete all of it tho, kept a few which i din fell like deleting n prolly if i hav another look at what is left , maybe will get rid of some more.
Someday i will fill my profile again, maybe with the same details that i had filled previously n some new things as well...till then ppl aroun will jus hafta be content with lookin at an empty profile of mine..... :-(

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