Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What exactly is going on....

This is the question that i`v been putting to myself for almost 2 weeks now....REALLY, what the fuck is going on.Things just don`t seem to be right.It`s like am in an alternate universe in itself.Things that am hardly used to see, am looking at them with utmost despair....wish things had turneed out differently than they did....

This is the reason y.....

He is this dude who has taken life with utmost care so that life does not screw him back...n how is this done, by taking things as lightly as light can be.Y SO SERIOUS...the joker said n prolly this term is almost applicable to him, being serious and this guy have never gone hand in hand for a long time......well atleast thats what i had thought.
There are always lessons to be learnt, n some the hard way....this has just been one of those times where being serious and him have been best friends.

Here goes nothing....
He had imagined all his life with 1 girl who`m he knew would never be with....very ironic,buts that's how his things have been.And rightly so , things that he had imagined turned out to be true...but at a very acceptable pace, not much hue n cry over it.But, things were not as as simple as it seems,what he thought was ready for, turned out to be a total farce.It was one of those times that he realised that how wrong he has been about himself....He was the one who had thought that his heart could never break, now he knows that it was one big mistake.
But he will never give in to pressure, never will give up on life, on love n will always refuse to die...i hope am right.
Maybe this is just the right time to update details about what he thinks he is...this is indeed an irony in itself.

As if this was not enduring enough, his very good friend for a reason what he thinks is justifiable but for a very strange reason is ignoring him....ppl don`t mind a lot of things , but SOME HATE TO BE IGNORED...maybe these are just my fears taking over but the situation as such concludes to this direction only....Really hoping desperately that things are proved otherwise...else a lot of things that he has believed in will come down falling even heavily than the fall of the twin towers.

There are good times, then are bad times....people go trough it always and some instances wud need help to let that phase pass thru...this dude here never would have thought that there might come a time where he would actually be on the other side of the fence seeking help.

HIS ETERNAL BELIEF : Friends have always been there and those trusted ones will continue to be there no matter what, but the idea of seeking help just does not seem to be him.Coz he has always done things on his own and in due course of time will continue to do so...this will be the eternal fact.But, everyone needs help at some or the other point in life and this was a time that even he needed help.He had this fear inside, the fear to stretch his arms for help from people who are near, who can and will help even without asking, but the thought of asking for help just does not seem to right.After a gruelling fight within himself, he did stretch for help, but for a fact knew that the best friend he is telling his troubles to will not be able to do anything even though she wants to....that`s another ironic fact, and that is just something that will have to live with.

N i really hope that for his own good, hie tryst with seriousness breaks up very soon.....

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