Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jus like dat...

When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have the magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have the magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
You know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now ....

Friday, August 27, 2010


sometimes all that u need is love....there could nothing more soothing
sometimes all that u need is a shoulder to rest on....there could be nothing more comforting
sometimes all that u need is a person to talk to....there could be nothing more relieving
sometimes all that u need is hand to hold on to....just to able to reassure there is some1 with u
sometimes all that u need is a does wonders, it really does
sometimes all u need is makes u realize how not being in pain feels
sometimes all u need is solitude....u will realize d power of what you are capable of
sometimes all u need is death....death, yes death... coz nobody really knows what truly lies beyond...NOBODY

Monday, July 26, 2010

Arun Gopal is DEAD

You read it right...arun gopal is indeed dead.
A friend forwarded me a mail which informed me about this unfortunate news. At first i thought it was a prank and later on realised it was not. He was 25 yrs old and had a laptop. Incidentally the person who actually sent that mail did not read it thru n jus forwarded it. When they actually realised all they could do was jus laugh over it coz i am actually ALIVE and kicking.

Well since am the done letting you know about it, u figured it right. It was not me, but an unfortunate namesake of mine who happens to be 25 yr old and has a laptop; died in a freak incident.

Google for arun gopal + laptop and ul know what i am talking about.

PS: may his soul rest in peace

Friday, July 9, 2010

Can things get any more boring...

I have most of the things that i have ever wanted in life...somethings are missing but hey, cant` have them all. Its not the work, its not the life, its nothing but its definitely something.I get up, get fresh, go to work come back home...Sounds kinda monotonous but that is how work life is n am not complainin bout that. Just that when no thot crosses my mind , the thot of boredom sinks in....N it jus bloody happens to strike rite at mid night. I am making a few modifications to my bike and when it is done, it is gonna go sooper fast, i hope i just happen to take my sexy red babe along a looooooong ride. Folks around are busy with stuffs. I am also kinda buys wid work...tis jus that i looonging very very very badly to go out for a day...anywhere....away from home....jus for a day...i am dead bored...i have never been so bored ever....never ever ever ever

Gimme some sunshine, gimme some rain...gimme anoder chance to wanna go away once again......

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dreams...unfulfilled dreams

This actually happens to be the first blog i ever did write...on an other forum though...just so happened that i bumped into decided to post here...actually makes more sense posting here as there are people whom i know actually read stuffs...
Neways...This blog really makes very little sense right now at this point, so don`t scratch your head trying to figure out a meaning out of it....made slight changes to grammatical mistakes tho... it goes

Just as this day passes on, i realize there is another day that`l come my way ,another day where the world is filled with agony, pain,suffering n even between all this there is still happiness n cheer all around...guess dats what life is all about,gotta move on leavin all the things however good , bad or ugly behind walk from the unknown venturin into the unknown....

when i step out into the world outside,i feel the breeze on me, i feel the light shining itself upon the millions around me, i feel the sunshine on my face, i see my shadow as i move on....its always a new day n a new beginning. It is a never ending path towards the unknown....walkin from the things left behind n stepping towards the unknown...still there are things left to do....dreams to be fulfilled....n what not.....there is just too much to do...and so little time ... i wish i cud live long enuf to do all the things i intend to do,.... i wish that i don make the people i love have to shed tears when i have to leave....i wish this world wud be a better place to live in.....

In between all these nagging thots of mine i always have this dream that i wish to live a million times over....the dream to be able to talk endlessly to her....the dream to be able to share most of my intimate thots with her....the dream to hold her in my arms,the dream to be able to let my emotions erupt out for her...the dream to able to live this life with her forever n ever as can be....the dream to make her mine.........oh the dream ....this dream .....this very dream that keeps me going on.....
n when some rude shock wakes me up from i dream i come to terms with senses n also about this very special friend of mine..this special friend whom the rest of the world refers to as GOD...always wondering as to what plans he has for me...y is he always testing me....y does he have to make things not so easy for me....i c all these hypocrites around me who get what they asked even tho they do not deserve it....i realize then ...he is challenging my love for her....he wants me to be stretched to the limits till i get to see her....these thots jus don leave ... the heart just refuses to let go of her....does she think of me...does she dream about me....will she ever think about me like the ways i think about her...wondering about all these things always sends a chill down my spine.....will this ever happen...only time will tell,but when will that time come i wonder....i know 1 thing for sure, i loved her even before i knew her,i loved her even b4 i knew myself, iv loved her for as long as i can remember ....maybe this is what they call destiny...maybe this is what they call love....maybe this is what they call life....maybe this is what is meant for me....... may be.....maybe...... people say pairs are made in heaven .... so i wonder how GOD has worked out the things for me......i know for a fact that if she is not the one ....i don want ne1 else for me either...this life will be lost without her forever....n what is the fun in a life that has been lost with no1 searching for it.....the pursuit still continues n i hope 1 fine day this pursuit will come to an end with me smiling all over.......cheers......

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bad bad memory

There were nice lines comin along...wud`v been noder nice song i had crossed my mind in d aft`noon and now when i actually tried penning it down, could not remember a damn thing....darn it...i hate my bad memory...i hope my good memory comes back and m able to remember....i promise to jott down from next time tho.... ; )

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Sometimes i really wonder if people around are actually sensible enough to understand other people`s thoughts n give it a shot or jus damn too bloody adamant to stick to theirs even though deep down inside they know what they are doing is not actually right.Is it lack of knowledge, lack of understanding, lack of refusal to accept facts, lack of refusal to let go of the crap that they are holding on to.I really don`t know, but what i know is one thing, am not the guy who gives up or give in to unreasonable stuffs. I refuse to back down, i refuse to just let it happen.I only wished that it was me facing the heat rather than the one facing it, maybe just maybe things would not be the way they are.

Just the realisation that has come with all the stuffs is that....This is an insane world, filled with insane people n i just happen to be in an insane region, with insane beleifs, n insane thoughts that just don die down easily...looks like tha road ahead is bumpy after all, but the destination sure will be a paradise.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

oh...mai gaaaad

I cant believe my eyes....i have not blogged for many many months now....dr used to b a time when i just used to type in random...can`t believe how busy[Yeah rite] i am....dis years fill this page as often as i can...Honest