Friday, February 27, 2009

Wants V/s Needs

This particular title has kinda made a lot of sense to me.

I see a big bike zoom past the roam at amazing speed and it looks damn sexxy.The immediate reaction, i want that bike, but do i reaaly need it...?????????????
Really, what is that u want, what is that u need and finally what is that u get.R u getting the want or getting the need or neither of them or both of them.People are so mixed up with the wants that they neglect what the actually need.Sometimes the wants and the needs are kinda co -incident but only sometimes.It`s just a lust to have more that drives the want.

As an analogy, jus consider this, from a guys point of view, anyone would want a very pretty girl to be his girlfriend, but it is just a want not a need, in reality what is needed is someone who will always be by their side....a friend,a guide , a life...

But people don`t look at it in such manner, do they....The want never dies down n the need takes a beating in search of the eluding want.It is just that the human mind always is in quest of something better even though the one in hand is more than enough.Call it greed, call it a quest,call it lust,call it a search for the it whatever, it is how things have been, it is how things are and even in a million years it is how things will be

Thursday, February 26, 2009


There is always a lesson to be learnt form each and every aspect of your day to day life.It might turn up from the least expected part, you might not even know there was something in it for you to take a cue form, but that's how it is, that's how life is ..UNEXPECTED.
Iv been rather amused n sometimes rather confused with the things that go on around.Things that i don`t intend to turn the way they do eventually just inevitable turn up the way they did...reason is pretty obvious n simple...keeping emotions under control is something that i need to learn.I have always been a rugged character, with a kinda over the top temper that i show at things which i never should get pissed off about.But most of the times, when things just don seem to make sense or when things just don`t turn up the way i want them to be i lose it....n its not after some time that i realise that what kind f a dumb fool i have been to have made the same mistake over and over and over.I try my hard not be the person that i don`t want to be....But hey, that's just not the case to be i guess.
most of the times its like i am being the victim of my own temper, of my own rattled up behaviour, a victim of time, a victim of circumstances....being a victim under any situation is just not done i guess....its high time that i stop being the victim, stop being the problem and start being the solution to a problem that i myself have created over and over again.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

2 Years of love n still going on great

14th of feb 2009....VALENTINE`s day for some n just noder day for some more.But for me this marks the second anniversary of a nice companionship that has been great and is still a force to reckon with.It was exactly 2 years ago that i found her.She was what i would call the dream of any guy.She was damn sexy the first time i saw her n still has the looks that she had 2 years ago.There has not been an inch of change in size whatsoever, a slight modification in looks but not the slightest of change in size and i am damn sure as hell that that's the way she`l be unless i have some other plans.
I still remember the day i first saw her and it was love at first sight.She was dressed in shiny red and was looking as gorgeous as gorgeous can be.Among all her peers, she is best looking that there can be n still continues to rule the roost in this regard.It took some time for me to get used to her, it was my first time at it and i did not know how to handle her comfortably.It took some time to get used to her.I told all my friends about her and they were all happy and envious about it at the same time and were very eager to meet her.I told them that when i get a bit more comfortable around her, then il introduce her to every1 else.since that day , daily after i returned from college, i used to take her out for a ride.Not very far, jus a small distance, coz it was her first time with me as well.We roamed around for some time n then returned home.I promised her that il take her out again tomorrow for a ride n then came back home.This small meeting of ours continued for almost a week.With every passing day we became more and more comfortable with each other and we sorta connected well.
All of us classmates were supposed to go to wonder la the next day and i thought to myself that it would be a nice time to introduce her to all of my friends.I took her out that night for a ride again and it was wonderful.I din go too far, but the time i spent with her that evening was enough to convince me that we were now ready to face the world head on.So it was decided that il take her out to college the next morning. I got up early the next day , got up n was ready quickly.I told mom that il be taking her out to college and mom like always was not too keen about it.In fact mom never ever wanted us to be together in the first place,it was due to mom that she had been always so near yet so far from me all these years,after persuading mom so much that she finally was okay with me being her at last.I was surprised but was very ecstatic at the same time.Better late than never, i thought to that morning, for the first time ever, i took her out for a ride in broad daylight for everyone to see.I was very very nervous that if i screw up then she`l be badly injured and that was something that i could not live with.I told to myself that i can do it and set forth on my journey to college.Along the way there were a few minor hiccups, but nothing i cannot handle.I let those hiccups pass me and continued on my journey.We entered the college premises together and my friends in there were in for a total shock that i had got her to college so soon.I introduced her to everybody and they just drooled at her.Well,i knew they would..she was one sexxy girl.
She had the curves that could put many people around to shame.She looked like an angel in red that she always has on her, has pretty eyes up front and has always been a force to reckon with.She is the one with beauty and also has the brawn to carry it off with.
It`s been two years now and we are still together going on very strong.Has always been there with me through the tough times and the good times.I have always adored her and at times have taken out my frustrations on her too.But, she has always been the same person as i first saw her.