Saturday, December 6, 2008

The day that wasn`t.......

In more ways or so, it started out to be like just another weekend for me where i wud get up late at around 10, take a bath at around 1 n same old stuffs.But it was special day for some other reasons also.But never did i ever imagine that the turn of events would be something like what happened.

I was at 1st block for a brief period of time where i was doing what i usually do....waiting which usually leads to nothing.I had my usual plate of chats n left for home at around 5pm. riding along the way took me to the signal at 1st block where i managed my way all to the front row.I switched off my ignition n was just waiting for the signal to turn green.IN the meantime vehicles were zooming past in front of me as usual.The signal to my left turned red n allowed another batch of vehicles in front of me to go forward when their signal turned green.Just as the vehicles were beginning to move an auto tried to jump the signal whiz had just turned red at a speed of around at least 50k n came crashing on a bike which was right in front of me.All of this happened just around 5 feet way from me.The impact was such that the auto flipped on its side after hitting the vehicle.The rider of the bike fell just in front of and as he fell so did his cell phone n few other stuffs.I just helped him out of there when another person handed him over his cell phone saying that some guy was trying to steal his phone also.I thought for a while .....what a shame, ppl don show the concern even in d time of accident. after around 10 minutes of commotion things slowly turned back to normal.
BUT, what was kind of intriguing was that i was in such a situation before was like deja-vu all over again , the only difference was that the last time i was victim in an accident and only this time i was a spectator n also the impact this was much much higher than what happened to me before.It was around 8 years back that a similar incident had happened to me which involved me and my sister as the unfortunate victims of an accident.Everything that happened was similar other than the speed of of the vehicles.
After the incident today i turned back one last time for the work that i has actually come there to do and this time it was a success....... :-)

Then i had gone to majestic hopefully to see off a friend.But what i found there was an old friend that i had met almost a year ago.Some place to catch up with friends that is.......
This turned out to be unsuccessful tho n i turned back home in disappointment.While returning on the way near Ram mandir, a few cops got along the way asking for my DL n documents, i had my DL but unfortunately did not have my documents of the vehicle.They were not the usual traffic policemen but civil policemen who were on duty following threats of a terror Attack in the city.He refused to let me go as i did not have the relevant documents which made me make calls to friends around so that they could at least get the documents for me and after around close to 20 mins of wait he finally let me go without fining me also :) .......I considered myself to be very lucky and just left for home.....
phew some day it turned out to be today.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The truth tells a completely different story, Mr Gilchrist

This truly is a wonderful piece of article posted in the 27 october issue in the Times Of India`s sports column.
For the people who might have missed it...Just take your time and go through it.

Adam Gilchrist was, from all accounts, an honourable man and cricketer. Are we entitled to change that opinion based on his latest reported comments about the Indians generally and Sachin Tendulkar in particular, with reference to the Sydney Test ‘monkey-remarks’ hearings?
Yes, we are. For two reasons. One, his unfair criticism of Tendulkar’s testimony before the ICC commissioner (which is directly contrary to the findings in the judgment). And two, his total silence on the proven unsporting conduct and untruthfulness of his own colleagues, Andrew Symonds and Michael Clarke (ignoring the judicial findings).
A bare reading of the judicial verdict of justice John Hansen in the matter shows that the New Zealand judge expressly castigated Symonds for unsporting conduct and all but called Clarke an untruthful witness.

The judgment unequivocally holds that it was Symonds who initiated the exchange by the use of offensive words to Harbhajan. And that he did so in protest against a friendly gesture by Harbhajan acknowledging ‘well bowled’ to a brilliant Lee yorker which the Indian spinner just about managed to stave off his stumps. The judgment notes: “Mr Symonds appears to be saying that he finds it unacceptable that an opponent makes a gesture that recognises the skill of one of his own team mates.
In the transcript he stated:

“Mr Manohar: You had any objection to that patting on the back?
Mr Symonds: Did I have an objection to it my objection was that a Test match is no place to be friendly with an oppo
sition player, is my objection.’’
If that is his view I hope it is not one shared by all international cricketers. It would be a sad day for cricket if it is.’’

So, Symonds was judicially found to have an unsporting mentality. Yet, there is not a word of reproach from Gilchrist for this. Contrarily, Gilchrist appears to accuse Tendulkar of unsporting conduct. That is not the act of an honourable man. Moreover, he accuses Tendulkar of changing his testimony, suggesting he said one thing to Procter and another to the Appeals Commissioner. This is far from the truth.

In the first place, Gilchrist himself did not give evidence before the Appeals Commissioner. He did not attend the hearing, being unwell. The judgment notes: “It was accepted by all counsel that Mr Gilchrist’s evidence was to the effect that he did not hear anything and there was no prejudice to Mr Singh by his absence.’’ The appeal judgment in fact found Tendulkar to be an ‘impressive witness’. The judge notes: “Mr Hayden and Mr Tendulkar in particular were impressive witnesses.’’

The judge also observes: “Mr Symonds accepted that Mr Tendulkar of all the participants was closest to Mr Singh. A viewing of the video shows that people were moving around but certainly Mr Tendulkar appears to have been closest to Mr Singh in the course of the heated exchange we are concerned with. Contrary to reports that Mr Tendulkar heard nothing he told me he heard a heated exchange and wished to calm Mr Singh down. His evidence was that there was swearing between the two. It was initiated by Mr Symonds. That he did not hear the word “monkey’’ or “big monkey’’ but he did say he heard Mr Singh use a term in his native tongue
“teri maa ki’’ which appears to be pronounced with a “n’’. He said this is a term that sounds like “monkey’’ and could be misinterpreted for it.’’

Thus, a judicial forum, duly constituted, has found Tendulkar to be a truthful witness. There was no change of testimony on his part.
On the contrary, the judge finds that it was an Australian cricketer, Michael Clarke who flip-flopped in his evidence, testifying to one set of facts before match referee Procter at the initial hearing and then changing his story at the appeal stage. In the words of the judgment: “at about this time Mr Michael Clarke was slowly crossing the pitch from cover to cover. His evidence was that he heard Mr Singh call Mr Symonds a big monkey. He was cross examined by Mr Manohar, counsel for the appellant, as to what he stated in the hearing before Mr Procter. There it was recorded that he stated he heard “something like big
monkey’’. However, his evidence to me was not that this was the use of something similar to “big monkey’’. Rather he maintained that what he told Mr Procter was that he heard things being said that he did not hear or comprehend which he referred to as “something something something’’ but then he heard the words “big monkey.’’

In fairness, Gilchrist, as an honourable man, should have correctly identified the person who changed his sworn testimony. It was not Tendulkar but his Australian mate Clarke.
It gets worse for Clarke. The accepted fact was that Symonds said many things to Harbhajan. Yet, Clarke swore on oath that Symonds said nothing. Clarke’s testimony was correctly disbelieved by the judge, exercising typical judicial restraint and preferring the understatement for emphasis, in these words: “In this case there is a direct conflict as to whether or not the words were said. Mr Symonds ac
cepted that in at least part of the heated exchange Mr Singh used his native tongue. Both Mr Singh and Mr Tendulkar gave evidence that he used words in his own language that were similar to monkey. On the other hand the three Australian players consider they heard the words “big monkey’’.
“Mr Procter also noted in his decision that he did not consider the umpires or Mr Tendulkar were in a position to hear the words. I have of course had the advantage of seeing extensive video footage which in fact establishes that Mr Tendulkar was within earshot and could have heard the words. Indeed it is now clear Mr Tendulkar did hear the exchange but not the words alleged.

I accept that Messrs Hayden, Clarke and Symonds are satisfied themselves that they thought they heard the words “big monkey’’.... But the evidence as to what was said by Mr Singh is completely at odds. Mr Tendulkar said there were offensive words in Mr Singh’s native tongue and he also heard abusive language in English between the two. Mr Hayden says he heard the words “big monkey’’ but could not recall for the court any other words that were said by either party. .... As well it is not without significance that the Australian players maintain other than Mr Symonds that they did not hear any other words spoken only the ones that are said to be of significance to this hearing. This is a little surprising in the context where there was a reasonably prolonged heated exchange. Indeed Mr Clarke went so far as to say that he did not hear Mr Symonds say anything. Given Mr Symonds’ own acceptance that he initiated the exchange and was abusive, that is surprising....’’ It is clear, then, that Clarke was not speaking the truth. Yet Gilchrist ignores the judicial findings and condemns Tendulkar — hardly the act of an honourable man!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wht is wrong with me....

5 minutes ago , i just got a bit upset over a very good friend of mine n it just does not feel right.I have no idea as to why this happens with me. I was always like this from before, but as of now, there is an unusual guilt inside of me whenever i get angry over good friends.
There has hardly been any person among my friends on whom iv never got angry on, but all my friends have been people who`v understood me over the years n know me.But I know for a reason that this will not always be the case, coz i will have new friends n with new friends come new ppl to get angry over.I have had anger issues from before n i know that i need to manage them properly. coz if i don`t now then i know that there will one day that i will regret ever getting angry on someone.
I hope that that day day never comes n even if that day ever does come, then please GOD, just make the opposite person understand that this anger of mine is very short lived n is not what i actually mean.

I apologize to all my good frens out there who unfortunately had become victims of my anger......

Monday, October 6, 2008

Jus to cool down....

I DON`T KNOW....somethings just begin to get screwed up at some point when i really don`t want them to happen.Really donno if am the reason or the solution for the screw ups thats been happenin for a while.

Iv heard this somewhere before....'WHEN AM GOOD.....AM THE BEST , BUT WHEN AM BAD..AM THE WORST"or something like that it went
I am just relating this to myself n changing it a bit....
"when i begin to get sweet with people around, there is nothing more better than me,
But when i begin to get rude, i can be as rude as rude can be"

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The GANESHA UTSAV by the road

Today, actually a few hours back....It was like any other year of the usual ganesha idol getting carried around in a procession all over the streets near by.I shuold say hat it was gettin all glitzy wid all pomp n show all over.Iv alwasy loved the heavy sounds of fast beating drums to which i always wanted to go n shake a leg[AM a very very very bad dancer], but alwsy have held back coz my mom is aroun....n also think dat il make a fool out of myself in there.The show is very grand to be frank and it gets even better with every passing year.Very entertaining, very much colourfull n very much lively.
BUT BUT BUT BUT.......tis not a one of show, the ganesh chathurthi is long over, n here there are still people celebrating the festival, not because they are all very huge worshippers of the lord but what i think is just becoz of the fact that they don`t want to be held behind with almost evry other group in a locality celebrating it.Still no harm i think , everybody loves to show off, but i still feel its a very huge investment that is being made into it n it could be put to better use.Today with the country almost being held to ransom by a bunch of cowardly bastards who decide to bomb evry place, all such occassions do bring people together, but if the same money was put into maybe the help of the flood victims in bihar, or to an NGO working towards a noble cause it would really be something that will truly be appreciated.If all such gropus come together and maybe celebrate this together , then there will probably a bigger show n also there will also lotsa money saved...afer all like the saying goes " MANY HANDS MAKE THE WORK LIGHTER"...rite....N this money can most definitely be put to better use

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The experience i wish i never had.....


It was supposed to just another day but it just was n`t supposed to b that way i guess.
Here is how it went.

I had slept at somewhere around 11pm that night, with the alarm set at 2:00 am. I had to get up so early coz i had promised to Neha[My bestest fren of my batch in ACCENTURE] that il b comin to see her off at the airport. she was to leave for US to persue her MS that mornin.
Incidentally i managed to beat the alarm to it n woke up at 1:45am n man it was a very cold night that time. I washed off my face n set off to her house on my was freeeeeezing cold. I reached her place at close to 2am . I was waitin for nahush who tol dat he`l b getting his car so dat i wud not hav to endure the torture of goin thru to devanahalli in that freezing cold temperature.

I got up so early n reached her place early in the day only to find out that neha had dozed off. she jus got up whn i reached dr n was still to get ready to leave. Nahush came there after some time. Fortunately for us there were 2 other guys who had come there to share the cold chill weather
-DEEPAK N SHRATH. We chatted for about close to an hour till the time was 3am n evry1 was ready to leave by then. By the time we all left her place it was 3am. later it was decided that v won`t take nahush`s car n wud go by sushruth`s car as it was in a lot better shape than d latter, but din have sufficient fuel to make it all d way to devanahalli, which from our place was close to 35 kms, so v decided to go along n on the way get the vehicle re fueled.

No problems till now,so evry1 in the house left……………………………………………

There was a reliance petrol bunk very close by , a lit`l more than 1 km, so we went there only to be given rude shock that there was no fuel available at that time...maybe it was available but that idiot refused to give us any.
Nothing to worry v thot to ourselves , dr r loadsa petrol bunks ahead...n v knew dat atleast dr wud be a few SHELL petrol stations ahead that wud b available.So we carried on with our journey to the airport with the hope of finding a petrol bunk that will provide our vehicle with fuel.

our bad luck we were denied fuel at some more places.After crossin hebbal n still not finding a single petrol bunk open all 4 us in car got a lit`l anxious. so along the way we saw a bunch of auto drivers whom v decided to ask if dr was ne petrol bunk available nearby that is open 24/7 , n they said that the nearby station was some 6 kms away near cantonment railway station n lso assured us dat thr will petrol available there for SURE.
Phew , that was a relief but the problem was that it was the other way to the airport, but still with hopes in our heart we set out on our quest in search for petrol dat mornin.we reached that spot that was told to us only to be awaken by a rude shock that it was not a 24/7 petrol station....v thot to ourselves WHT D FUCK IS GOIN ON...dis jus can`t b happenin to us , atleast not now......den after some more
plannin v searched for noder 5- 6 petrol bunks again to only find out that thr is no petrol available.....
Then later v set out to MG road which was our last hope of findin fuel at odd hours in d mornin n all of us knew for a fact that thr will be petrol available at that place.So , with a slight hope v det our journey towards MG road....n mind u it was noder 10
kms away from whr we were.evry1 was very much apprehensive about the fact that thr was lit`l petrol in d car n on d way we got a call from neha who was worried as to whr we had all gone, v told her that we`v got the vehicle refuelled n that v wer on our way so dat she won feel upset......

well all was not lost yet, thr was still hope, v reached MG road with very lit`l problem but only to find out the most rude shock of our lives.....THAT BLOODY FUCKIN PETROL STATION WAS CLOSED FOR THE NIGHT.....WHT D FUCK IS GOIN ON....., dat was one of the most frustratin events to have taken place in my short life dat i`v lived so far....v even went n asked him that we wud pay him extra for the petrol but it was of no use at all.All our hopes had died at that was 3:45 am n all of us were thinkin as to wht will happen next.Then one of the guys told that thr was petrol bunk nearby brigade road n v shud give it a shot but none of us were confident that thr wud b fuel available dr at that time...atleast not after jus bein denied fuel by a 24/7 petrol station... v had nothin to lose, so decided to take dat shot was jus a wild shot taken in d dark...

with our hearts in despair we went to BRIGADE road n found the petrol we neared that place our sorrows were beginnin to fill with joy as we saw that it was open.....YAHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....It was one of those moments whr i was extremely exremely happy....our joy knew no bounds..we thanked our gods for luck at that time.quickly we had the vehicle refuelled n set out on our journey to the airport which was noder 30 kms away atleast n d time was 3:55am.Neha`s check in time was at quickly evry1 of us got inside the vehicle n zoomed ahead.

v had slight trouble wid the roads from after mekhri circle till v crossed hebbal flyover. After that it was like absolutely wonderfull roads ahead.It was my first trip to the airport n by god the roads were very very fine absolutely no potholes whatsoever n illuminations on both sides of the road....we were cursing our ill fated luck for the horrible experience n the auto drivers who told that thr will fuel available at that particular place n of course for all the petrol stations that had denied us fuel in d first place.....we were travellin at 100kph consistently n were actually amazed to find that the there were cabs that were heading towards the airport were actually zoomin past ahead at more than 120 kph..phew,that dude is in a real hurry i thot to myself.
We reached the airport at aroun 4:30 am, just early enuf to say our goodbyes to neha.We were extreeeeeemely releived to have made to the airport in time.
After comin in terms with reality i den later gave her a small gift that i had got for was a ganesha vigraha that i had got that day hopin that it wud bring her gud luck in thr n keep her away form ne troubles.After all the emotional goodbyes that happened aroun, we decided to head back home coz we had also to catch up with wrk also.

But it was a one helluva experience indeed....PHEW wud never ever want to endure such an experience ever again n it was truly THE EXPERIENCE I WISH I NEVER HAD.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Me....My first blog

Well well finally here,after going thru loads n loads n loads of blogs written by countless users iv finally made a blog of my own.Not the fist time though, i just managed not to remember my previous blog addresses that i managed to make just out of sheer enthu to write all nonsense stuffs.
Lemme just start with my intro(never been good at this tho)

Am Arun by the way.. n frens always managed to find ways to piss me off by calling names other than my original name.I still get pissed whn ppl call me names, it s1 thing that i v alwasy hated in my life n god knows for how long it`l keep on goin.
The only other name that i liek being called is ARU...all of my relatives n my family members call me with this name n it feels very funny whn either my mom or my sister call me ARUN, am so used to being called ARU by them.

I am kind of a very ill tempered person.I v been at the recievin end of certain situations whr iv got my temper get the better of me.I don like to get angry but unfortunately its just the way that i am...n i hav no issues with what i am.

I don drink nor smoke....i say this proudly coz am the only guy in the whole grup of my frens in engineering who never did booze or fag even after many non smokers n non drinkers turned up to be smokers n drunkards in front of me....but unfortunately am stuck with my best buddies who do so otherwise....i guess this is wht ppl say "stuck between a rock and a hard place".

An i just luvvvvvv to bike watch....yeah u saw it rite, its bike watch not bird d kinda guy who on ne day wud rather look at a neat, cool n sexxy bike even if a very hot babe was passing thru....i still consider myself to b an amateur at biking tho...coz wht i know abt bikes is not even the tip of the iceberg....n biking is like a deep ocean which has no definite depth at all.
I hate to c some1 overtake me while riding, even if it was a car dat can zoom past at 100k without ne problems i still like to race with it....n i hate to see chicks ridin big bikes jus for the heck of it, its just not done with me(unless they r serious bikers ofcourse)

CRICKET- my favourite sport, SACHIN - MY GOD....don need to say nething further i suppose abt this topic coz it needs no intro .

Am an electrical engineer by qualification, i donno y i am but i jus am...i hav no idea as to wht i did during my entire 4 years of engineering coz i don remember even a single topic from my entire time during those days.The reason is very simple----i just managed to wander off entirely from my academics until i almost reached a point of no return, well just my luck that i din cross that line n did manage to return to atleast successfully complete my engineering within 4 years of stipulated time....but i stil have no regrets coz the place from whr i did my graduation was BMSCE-the most awesomest college aroun that ne1 can ever think of studying n i consider myself to b very lucky to b blessed to join there. 4 years have passed thru in dr jus like that...i never even realized that how all those years passed by[fun n frolic of course]....iv had my share of bad times n mostly a huge chunk in the share of good times during my engng days n i will alwasy treasure them for the rest of my life as long as i live......